The Postpartum Care Foundation’s mission is to honor women & heal mothers by providing financial assistance to receive specialty postpartum care.
The Need/Problem
The United States is one of the only countries in the world that does not offer postpartum care within its culture or medical model. About seventy percent of new mothers experience the baby blues and a minimum of thirty five percent are diagnosed with postpartum depression. Many new mothers do not have a support system in place and feel uncomfortable asking for help from friends and family. Even when women do have an emotional support system, they often do not have a trained healer who can offer holistic postpartum support to help them fully heal after their birth.
Why is postpartum care so important?
Immediately after birth a woman’s body is nutritionally depleted and often vulnerable from the stresses of birth. It is important to take the time needed to recover and properly heal.
The Solution
The healing treatment our trained caregivers offer, proven to help quicken healing, includes delivery of nutritious meals and snacks, teas, warming treatments, belly binding, emotional support and baby bonding techniques. Having this type of postpartum care can also greatly reduce the risk of postpartum depression, because the healing program helps to balance hormones, induce lactation, uplift spirits and heal the body quicker than it would without these treatments.
The four main activities of the Postpartum Care Foundation are:
- Offer financial assistance to postpartum women who would like to receive at home postpartum care. Women can apply within 3 months of giving birth. There will be an online application to state financial need and list the caregiver with whom they would like to work. Funds will then be issued directly to the caregiver. We spend 25% of our time accepting applications, communicating with applicants, practitioners and distributing funds.
- Online Postpartum Caregiver Certification This is a certification program that can be done from anywhere in the world on a personal computer or laptop. This certification will give you all the training you need to become an at home postpartum caregiver. Start your new career today!
- Public Awareness Ambassador program - Help us get the word out by becoming an Ambassador by downloading our brochure and/or flyers and distribute them locally to your community. Post our video on your social networks, or download our lecture slides and present our 10-15 minute lecture in your town.
- Scientific research program - Everyone who participates in our financial assistance program, including the chosen caregiver, is required to fill out a short questionnaire about their experience receiving this specialty care. The data will be collected for several years and our research will be published in collaboration with a team of mental health professionals.
The first aspect of PCF aims to benefit postpartum women in the United States. The second aspect of PCF aims to benefit the economy - those seeking a career in postpartum care, by providing affordable online and in person education programs, ending with certification to give this kind of care.
Our Board of Directors
Our team of directors has a diverse background with a common passion to help women and their families. Read more about our team here.
Zoe Weston
Oriana Bier-Moebius
Kerrie Schur
Holly Richardson